Dog House

Where to find it

Belmont Co, OH
Twp. Hwy. 206 (41821 Palmer Rd.) west of OH Rt. 149 (Belmont Morristown Rd.) by about 1000'. On right side of road headed west from OH Rt. 149. Two sides. Dog House. Red.
Latitude °
40° 02.01'
Longitude °
-81° 02.79'

Where to find it

Located in Barrow Co. GA - in Winder at 714 Russel Ridge Rd

Where to find it

Litchfield, OH

Where to find it

Coshocton Co, OH
Twp. Hwy. 284 west of Twp. Hwy. 347 by about 1.0 mile. The dog house is on the right side of the road headed west. The MP sign faces south. One side. Dog House. Black.
Latitude °
40° 13.26'
Longitude °
-81° 53.54'