This was the 18th Annual Mail Pouch Barnstormers Picnic (17th Anniversary!)
“Barnstormers Gather Again at the Old Belmont Gymnasium“
by Bill Vint – Fall 2019 edition of the ‘Mail Pouch Barnstormers’ newsletter
For the 17th consecutive year, Mail Pouch enthusiasts gathered at the old schoolhouse gymnasium in Belmont, Ohio, in late July 2019 to “Barnstorm” memories, make new friends, share a meal and enjoy each other’s company.

Reunion No. 18 (should read 19) is planned for Saturday, July 25, 2020, where we’ll hold another fundraising auction and formally conduct our group’s annual business. And hopefully we’ll welcome a few newcomers? This year’s crowd included (at right) Wade and Margery Paeltz, owner of the Barnstormers’ featured four-sided Mail Pouch barn near Georgetown, Ohio, and John and Sue Doemling, owners of a unique Mail Pouch-Jello barn in LeRoy, N.Y.
So mark your calendar and bring a friend. Remember, it’s July 25!
More photos…