This was the 15th Annual Mail Pouch Barnstormers Picnic (14th Anniversary!)
“Where Should We Go for Our 15th Anniversary?“
by Bill Vint – Fall 2016 edition of the ‘Mail Pouch Barnstormers’ newsletter
The 2016 Mail Pouch Barnstormers’ Barkcamp barn painting party was a celebration of the informal gathering of Mail Pouch enthusiasts 15 years earlier. But as we look forward to 2017, the Barnstormers will “officially” celebrate the 15th anniversary of the formation of the club.
The question is, where and when should be hold the celebration?
We’d like to hear from you. After all, it’s your club.
Most everyone knows the tradition the Barnstormers have followed almost every year has been gathering in the historic school gymnasium in Belmont, Ohio – the long-time home of famous Mail Pouch barn painter Harley Warrick – on the last Saturday in July, where we have a “potluck picnic” and a fundraising auction along with a brief business meeting.
But it should be noted the first “official” gathering of Algonquin (Mill) near Carrollton, Ohio. Whether that’s a workable alternative location for 2017 or not remains to be seen?
Other options? The Barnstormers board of directors has informally discussed locations such as the American Sign Museum in Cincinnati. Maybe we could look for a location in Wheeling, W.Va., the home of Bloch Bros. and Mail Pouch Tobacco? Maybe we should consider a different date, to avoid the steamy weather?
Or maybe you would prefer we maintain tradition and return to Belmont the last Saturday in July (which would be July 29, 2017).
We’d like to hear from you. How to voice your thoughts? Send a note to: Bill Vint, MPB, P.O. Box 977, East Troy, WI 53120…or send an email note to:…or post a comment on the Mail Pouch Barnstormers page on Facebook. We’ll announce the 2017 meeting location and dates in the Winter issue of the Barnstormers’ newsletter.
In the meantime, looking back at 2016:
● The Barnstormers invested in two restoration projects, reimbursing Gary Jones $700 to restore the Harley Warrick sign on his barn (MPB 35-67-01) near Ravenna, Ohio. The barn, which Jones purchased in 2004, was last painted by Warrick in 1984 and was featured in the Fall 2015 Barnstormers newsletter. The Barnstormers also provided $2,000 to Barkcamp State Park for the purchase of paint, supplies, power washer and power lift rentals in support of our cooperative restoration project.
● We closed 2015 with a bank balance of $8,507.19. As of Aug. 21, 2016, our bank balance was $4,734.58. The significant change was due to our restoration investment, plus the change in fiscal years (from Aug.-July to calendar year) meant expenses for three issues of the newsletter vs. expenses for five issues in the change-over year. Another factor was lower-than-expected attendance at our 2016 picnic resulted in lower membership dues and merchandise sales. Dues renewal notices along with a “Store” order form being included with this newsletter for members who were unable to attend the meeting. An advance order form for our upcoming 2017 Mail Pouch Barnstormers calendar also is being sent to all members.
● Our 2016 auction generated $916, merchandise sales (mostly Barkcamp woodies, patches and postcards) generated $446, and dues paid on-site netted $480.
● As a club, we remain financially solvent. A year-end financial report will be distributed in the spring.
● The only official business conducted during our annual meeting was the re-election of MPB Board members Rick Campbell of Newark, Ohio; Ryan Eash of Johnstown, Pa., and Chad Wilkins of Glenford, Ohio. Their new three-year terms will expire in 2019.
● The MPB Board then re-elected all current officers to additional one-year terms: president Roger Warrick, vice president Chris Maher, treasurer Rick Campbell, secretary Eddie Black and executive director Bill Vint.

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