This was the 13th Annual Mail Pouch Barnstormers Picnic (12th Anniversary!)
“Good Friends, Great Food Return to Belmont“
by Bill Vint – Fall 2014 edition of the ‘Mail Pouch Barnstormers’ newsletter
The 13th annual gathering of Mail Pouch Barnstormers in the old gymnasium in Belmont, Ohio, was another fun day with good friends and great food. For those of you who missed the 2014 picnic, here’s a quick glimpse at what you missed:
1 Barnstormers’ vice president Chris Maher again led the spirited fund-raising auction to conclude the day.

2 Kevin Tracy was high-bidder on a mint-condition Mail Pouch advertising piece donated by Stuart Bloch (right), a descendant of the founding Bloch Brothers.

3 Darlene Ferreti was a $120 winner in the 50/50 raffle and Ernie holds the proof.

4 What’s a Barnstormer picnic without a photo of the delicious array of food provided by members?

5 In place of the traditional Mail Pouch cake donated by our late friend Jim Langston sat a photo in his memory.

6 Barnstormer Grace Rothenbuhler came dressed for the occasion in her special “Barns of Ohio” t-shirt.

Below, the traditional group photo taken in front of the old Belmont schoolhouse gymnasium.

See page 6 for a photo of Barb Adkins and her winning entry in the Mail Pouch Christmas ornament design contest.
If you missed this year’s party, mark your calendar for Saturday, July 25, 2015 when we return to Belmont once again.
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