*GONE (fallen and removed)* TR-E. just west of intersection with OH-108. The intersection is north of the intersection with OH-613 (south of Miller City) by 1.1 mile. The Mail Pouch sign was visible from OH-108 headed north from Miller City. The Mail Pouch sign faced south. One side. Black Background.
*GONE* (razed and removed) Along the south side of OH-15 northwest of OH-65 (N. Perry St.) intersection, in Ottawa, by 3.0 miles. The barn was on the left side of the highway headed northwest. One Mail Pouch sign on the north end; and, one Mail Pouch sign on the east side. Black Backgrounds.
*GONE* (razed and removed) Along the north side of OH-613 east of the intersection with OH-15 by 0.3 mile. The Mail Pouch barn was on the left side of the highway headed east from OH-15. The Mail Pouch sign faced east. Black Background.
*GONE* (razed and removed) Along the west side of OH-109 north of the intersection with N. Perry st (OH-65), in Ottawa, by 3.5 miles. The barn was on the left side of the highway headed north from Ottawa. The Mail Pouch sign faced north. One end. Black Background.
*GONE* (razed and removed) Along the west side of OH-106 north of the intersection with Oh-613 (just south of Miller City) by 1.6 miles. The barn was on the left side of the highway headed north from Miller City. There was a Mail Pouch sign on the south end of the barn; and, a Mail Pouch sign on the north end of the barn. Black Backgrounds.
*GONE* (painted over) Along the south side of Benton St. (OH-613) west of S. Main St. intersection, in Continental, by 0.3 mile. The barn is on the left side of Benton St. headed west out of Continental. The Mail Pouch sign faced west. One end. Red Background.
OH-12 (N. High St.) & E. Sycamore St. intersection, in Columbus Grove. The brick building is on the east corner of the intersection. The Mail Pouch sign faces southwest (E. Sycamore St.). One side. Original Black Background. Unique sign.
US-224/OH-89 (3rd St.) between W. Canal St. & Church St., in Ottoville. The brick building is on the right side of the street headed west from W. Canal St. toward Church St. The Mail Pouch sign faces east. One side. Two-story brick building. Original Black Background. Greatly faded.
*GONE* (faded away) OH-12 (S. High St.) just southwest of E. Sycamore St., in Columbus Grove. The brick building is on the left side of the street headed southwest from Sycamore St. The Mail Pouch sign faced southwest. One side. Two-story brick building. Original Black Background. Greatly faded.