*GONE* (painted over) At the northeast corner of the N. Indiana St. & E. Franklin St. intersection, in Greencastle. The GT sign faced west. One side. One-story brick building. Original background color is unknown.
*GONE* Along the southeast side of US-40 southwest of the N. Hendricks St. intersection, in Stilesville by 4.4 miles. The barn was on the left side of US-40 headed southwest out of Stilesville. The Mail Pouch sign faced west. One end. Black background.
*GONE* (razed and removed) Along the south side of US-36 east of the intersection with N. Washington St., in Bainbridge, by 2.5 miles. The barn was on the right side of US-36 headed east from Bainbridge. The Mail Pouch sign faced west. One end. black background.
*GONE* Along the west side of N. Main St. (US-231) north of US-40 intersection by 1.4 miles. The barn was on the left side of US-231 headed north away from US-40. The Mail Pouch sign faced north. One end. Black background.
*GONE* (razed and removed) Along the west side of N US-231, north of the Washington St. intersection, in Greencastle, by 3.2 miles. The barn was on the left side of US-231 headed north away from Greencastle. The Mail Pouch sign faced east. One side. Black background.