N. Main St, between E. Center St. & E. Market St., in Germantown. The BD sign is on the side of the brick building housing the By Jo Theater and is on the left side of the street headed south from E. Center St. toward E. Market St. The Bull Durham sign faces north. One side of brick building. Brown prominent color with multi-color throughout.
*GONE* (razed and removed) Along N Chillicothe St. One side. Balck Background.
*GONE (demolished)* S. Main St. between E. 4th St. & E. 3rd St. (just before Market St), in Dayton. The brick building was on the right side of the street headed north. The HS sign faced south. One side of brick building. Unknown color.
*GONE* E. 3rd St. in Dayton. One side. Black.
*GONE* (fallen) OH-4 (Dayton Germantown Pike) southwest of the intersection with Farmersville-W. Carrolton Rd. by 0.2 mile. The barn was on the right side of the highway headed southwest. The Mail Pouch sign faced south. One side. Black Background.
*GONE *(razed and removed) Along the south side of US-35 (Dayton Eaton Pike) east of the Preble Co. line by 2.8 miles. The barn is on the right side of the road headed east. The Mail Pouch sign faced west. One end. Black Background.
OH Rt. 4 (Germantown St.) south of US Rt. 35 in Dayton by about 4.5 miles. Exit US Rt. 35 onto S. James H. McGee Blvd. Head south to McCall St. Make left onto McCall St.and head east to intersection with Germantown St. Make right onto Germantown St. and head southwest for approximately 4.0 miles. The barn is on the right side of the street headed southwest. The MP sign faces south. One end. Red.
*GONE*(painted over) Along the south side of US-40, east of N. Commerce St. (OH-503) intersection, in Lewisburg, by 6.3 miles. The barn is on the right side of the highway headed east. The Mail Pouch sign faced west. One end. Black Background.
*GONE* (faded away) Along the east side of Germantown Middletown Pike north of the OH-73 intersection, in Middletown, by 4.8 mile. The barn is on the right side of the highway headed north. The Mail Pouch sign faced south. One end. Black Background.
Inside Selly's Ditch Pub, in Dayton.
*GONE* (razed and removed) Masonry building was along the northside of 5th St. One side. Unknown Background color.