*GONE (painted over - red)* US Rt. 62/OH Rt. 3 (Harrisburg Pike) north of I-71 by about 0.4 mile. The barn is on the left side of the highway headed northeast. The MP sign faced southwest. One end. Black Background.
US Rt. 62/OH Rt. 3 (Cols-Washington CH Rd./Harrisburg Pike) southwest of I-71 by about 1.4 miles. The barn is on the left side of the highway headed southwest. The MP sign faces northwest. One end. Black Background.
At 5100 Post Rd., in Dublin, at the 'Toy Barn'. Take Post Rd. northwest from US Rt.33/OH Rt. 161 (W. Bridge St.). The barn is on the right side of the highway headed northwest. The MP sign faces northeast, away from the road, and can be viewed only after entering the 'Toy Barn' parking lot. One side. Brown.
*GONE (razed and removed)* Along Broadway, in Grove City (just southwest of Columbus). South of I-270 by about 1.3 miles. The barn was on the right side of the highway headed southwest. One end. Black Barckground. Greatly faded prior to removal.
At the Lot Smith farm at 3285 Watkin Rd. From US 33 take Rt 317 (Hamilton rd) north to Winchester Pike - turn left and go approx 1.5 miles to Watkins rd. - turn left and go approx 1.2 miles to barn. (Barn is to the right of a large red barn) One end. Black.
*GONE* Columbus. One side. Black.
*GONE (sand-blasted off)* OH Rt. 3 (1227 Cleveland Ave.) in Columbus. On the left side of Columbus Ave. headed northeast from the intersection with E. 5th Ave. The building is on the left side of the avenue headed northeast just before crossing the bridge over I-71. The sign used to face southwest. One side. Brick building. Greatly faded prior to removal.
*GONE* Northwest corner of the E. Long St. & N 21st St. intersection, in Columbus. The MP sign faced east.
*GONE* View from along US Rt. 40 (W. Broad St.) looking at the buildings along the Scioto River. The MP sign faced north. One side Two-story brick building.
*GONE (Building razed and removed)* Parsons Ave. south of US Rt. 33 (E. Livingston Ave.), in Columbus, by about 2.0 miles. The building is located between Marion Rd. and Kian Ave, on the left side of the Avenue headed south. There were two Mail Pouch signs on the building. The MP sign on the north side of the building remained through the years, in deteriorating condition until the building was razed and removed probably Spring/Summer of 2016. The MP sign on the north side of the building is barely visible in the May 2009 Google street view (Photo 15).
*GONE (razed and removed)* The building was located on High St. north of E. Rich St. by about 250' on the left side of the street headed north. The MP signs faced south. One side. Brick building. Brown.
*GONE (Concealed under new siding)* Northeast corner of Broadway (US-62/OH-3), in Grove City. One side. Two-story building. The Mail Pouch sign faced southwest. Black Background.