US Rt. 22/OH Rt. 3 (E. Washington St.) east of OH Rt. 729, in Sabina, by about 2.0 miles. The barn is on the right side of the highway headed east. The MP sign faces east. On end. Red. Bottom portion of the MP sign covered with a shed roof.
*GONE (razed and removed)* OH Rt. 72 south of I-71, Exit 58 intersection by about 1.0 mile. The barn was on the right side of the highway headed south. The MP sign faced south. One end. Black.
*GONE* (faded away) OH Rt. 28 east of Martinsville by about 2.o miles. At the OH Rt. 28/Quigley Rd. intersection. The barn is on the right side of the highway headed east. The MP sign faces east. One end. Black background.
*GONE* (covered over) Along OH Rt 28 west of the South St. intersection, in New Vienna, by 2.4 miles. The barn is on the right side of the highway headed west. The MP sign was on the west side of the barn. One side. Black background.