Other Information
Photo 1 is an enlarged inset view from Photo 2.
The Penn Pilot program was used to determine the location of where this barn once stood. Structures circled in photos 4 & 5 coordinate with structures shown in photos 2 & 3. Due to the significant changes in the topography, the road systems and the residential and commercial construction, in the area, Historic Aerials imagery (1959) was consulted to get the exact loaction of the barn. The barn is clearly shown and the distance measurement tool was used to obtain the decimal coordinates for the barn. The coordinates were input to the Google map program and the red pin on Photo 7 is the exact location where the Mail Pouch barn once stood.
The site has been cleared of all buildings shown in Photos 2 & 3. The only thing remaining is a short section of the original driveway where it connects to Morganza Rd. Photo 6 is a view looking onto the site.
Where to find it *GONE (razed and removed)* Morganza Rd. north of intersection with W. McMurray Rd. (east of Canonsburg) by about 1.7 miles. The barn was on the left side of the road headed north from W. McMurray Rd. The Mail Pouch sign faced southeast. One side. Black background.