Other Information
Photos 1 & 3 are from the Myron Huffman collection: (Photo 1 - MHC 112a); (Photo 3 MHC 112b).
The Ohio Dept. of Trnsportation aerial photo archives were used to locate this barn. In Photo 4 the Mail Pouch barn is circled in yellow. The house, which is still standing and has been modified, is circled in red.
Photo 6 (Google satellite image) the Mail Pouch barn location is noted by the red pin. This pin was used to determine the address and the coordinates.
Where to find it *GONE* (razed and removed) Along the northeast side of Friendship Dr. (OH-83) north of the US-22 intersection, in New Concord, by 5.4 miles. The barn was on the left side of the highway headed north. Two Mail Pouch signs: One on the south end; and, one on the west side. Black Backgrounds.