Along the east side of Goodhope Pike (US-19) north of the 4th St. intersection, in Jane Lew, by 5.2 miles. The barn was on the right side of the highway (along Oak St.) neaded north from Jane Lew. The Mail Pouch sign faces west. One end. Black background plaque sign mounted on a red barn.
Along the northeast side of Good Hope Pike (US-19) north of the Lewis Co. line by about 1.2 miles. The barn is on the right side of the highway headed northwest. Two sides. Black backgrounds.
*GONE* (razed and removed) Along the north side of CR-50/39 (Sunvalley Rd. - Old US Rt. 50) west of US-50 by about 1.4 miles. The barn was on the right side of the road headed west. The Mail Pouch sign faced west. One end. Red background.
*GONE* (razed and removed) Along the west side of Buckhannon Pike (WV-20) south of the WV-98 intersection, in Nutter Fort, by 0.3 mile. The barn was on the right side of Buckhannon Pike headed southeast from WV-98. The Mail Pouch sign faced southeast. One end. Black background.
*GONE* Along the southeast side of Milford St. (US-19), in Good Hope. The barn was south of Mail St. intersection, in West Milford, by 2.5 miles. The barn was on the left side of Milford St. headed south from West Milford. Mail Pouch sign on both sides of the barn. Black backgrounds.
*GONE* Glen Elk (Clarksburg Historical District). One side. Black.
*Gone* (razed and removed) Southeast corner of Station St. & W. Fork River Trail (old RR track bed), in Shinnston. The Mail Pouch sign faced northwest. Black background.