
Mail Pouch Sign Timeline

1879Bloch Brothers Tobacco Company is founded. The brothers began manufacturing cigars in 1879 as a side-line to Samuel Bloch’s wholesale grocery business. It was discovered that the left-over cigar clippings could be flavored and packaged in a paper bag, and then sold.

Late 1800s (possibly starting in 1891) – Bloch Brothers Tobacco Co. starts painting Mail Pouch signs on brick buildings in towns.

1925 – Bloch Brothers decides to send teams to paint barns with Mail Pouch signs. The original six man crew included: Bill Hart, Bill Bucks, Kenneth Walkerman, Carl Wunelle, and Maurice Zimmerman.

1946Harley Warrick begins painting Mail Pouch barns after returning home from service in World War II.

1965 – The Highway Beautification Act was passed, which prohibited advertising billboards within 660 feet of an interstate highway, effectively ending the era of painting the sides of barns for advertising. Though nearly all other sign painters went out of business, Warrick continued to work, painting barns along lesser roads and highways.

1974 – The Highway Beautification Act was amended to allow for “landmark signs” such as Mail Pouch ads.

1991Harley Warrick retires from working for Swisher International, the current owners of Mail Pouch Tobacco. Swisher decides to suspend the use of barn advertisements after Warrick’s retirement. Harley continues to paint Mail Pouch signs on the sides of barn-shaped bird feeders, bird houses, mailboxes and other items. He also occasionally paints new barns or does a repaint of an existing Mail Pouch sign.

1993 – Original barn painter, Maurice “Zim” Zimmerman, passes away.

2000 – The barn at Barkcamp State Park in Belmont, Ohio, is the last repaint Harley Warrick performs.

Nov. 24, 2000 – The last barn painter, Harley Warrick, passes away.

Mail Pouch Barnstormers Timeline

Spring 2000Lonnie Schnauffer and David Tower stop at Barkcamp State Park in Belmont, OH to eat lunch.  While sitting at a picnic table in view of the Mail Pouch barn, their conversation drifted around to an idea of having a Mail Pouch Picnic honoring Harley and inviting his family and friends.

Nov. 24, 2000 – Harley Warrick passes away before the picnic comes to fruition.  

Summer 2001 – Lonnie and mother Gyla Schnauffer organize the picnic to honor Harley Warrick, at Belmont, OH. This picnic is prior to the official organization of the Barnstormers.

August 2002 – Another picnic honoring Harley Warrick and Mail Pouch barns is held at Algonquin Mill in Carrollton, OH, and the Mail Pouch Barnstormers are officially organized. There are 30 charter members. Officers: Lonnie Schnauffer, President; Trish Kane, Vice President; Eddie Robberts, Secretary/Treasurer; Jason Scott, Newsletter Editor; Rick Campbell, Membership Coordinator; Mike MacCarter, Webmaster; Roger Warrick, Historian. Committees: Gyla Schnauffer and Sherry Binkowski, Picnic Coordinators; Art & Myrna Seaman, Displays, Door Prizes and Sales. The first organization website, www.mail-pouch.org, is created.

Fall 2002 – The first issue of “The Barnstormer” newsletter is published.

July 26, 2003 – The 2nd Annual Picnic for the Barnstormers is held at the old gymnasium in Belmont, OH, for the 1st Anniversary of the organization to celebrate all things Mail Pouch. This would become the permanent location for the picnic going forward. The first commemorative postcard is created. Membership has increased to 82 members. Officers: No change from last year.

August 7, 2004 – The 3rd Annual Picnic for the Barnstormers is held, for the 2nd Anniversary of the organization. Officers: Lonnie Schnauffer, President; Trish Kane, Vice President; Sherry Binkowski, Secretary; Eddie Robberts, Newsletter/Treasurer; Rick Campbell, Membership Coordinator; Mike MacCarter, Webmaster; Roger Warrick, Historian. Committees: Gyla Schnauffer and Jane Virtue, Picnic Coordinators; Art & Myrna Seaman, Sales, Displays, Door Prizes.

July 23, 2005 – The 4th Annual Picnic for the Barnstormers is held, for the 3rd Anniversary of the organization. Membership is at 144 families. Officers: No change from last year.

July 22, 2006 – The 5th Annual Picnic for the Barnstormers is held, for the 4th Anniversary of the organization. The first annual Barnstormers patch is released. Officers: No change from last year.

July 28, 2007 – The 6th Annual Picnic for the Barnstormers is held, for the 5th Anniversary of the organization. Officers: Lonnie Schnauffer, President; Trish Kane, Vice President; Sherry Binkowski, Secretary; Don Neff, Treasurer; Rick Campbell, Membership Coordinator; Mike MacCarter, Webmaster; Roger Warrick, Historian; Eddie Robberts Black, Newsletter Editor. Committees: Gyla Schnauffer and Jane Virtue, Picnic Coordinators; Art & Myrna Seaman, Sales, Displays, Door Prizes.

Summer 2008 – The 7th Annual Picnic for the Barnstormers is held, for the 6th Anniversary of the organization. Officers: No change from last year.

July 25, 2009 – The 8th Annual Picnic for the Barnstormers is held, for the 7th Anniversary of the organization. Officers: Lonnie Schnauffer, President; Trish Kane, Vice President; Don Neff, Treasurer; Rick Campbell, Membership Coordinator; Mike MacCarter, Webmaster; Roger Warrick, Historian; Eddie Black, Newsletter Editor. Committees: Gyla Schnauffer and Jane Virtue, Picnic Coordinators; Art & Myrna Seaman, Sales, Displays, Door Prizes. Secretary position has been vacated.

July 24, 2010 – The 9th Annual Picnic for the Barnstormers is held, for the 8th Anniversary of the organization. Officers: Suzanne Bruce, President; Christopher Maher, Vice President; Whitney Warrick, Secretary; Roger Warrick, Historian; Edgar Bruce, Treasurer; Mike MacCarter; Webmaster; Eddie Black, Newsletter Editor; Zachary Maher, Membership Coordinator. Committees: Nellie King, Picnic Display and Merchandise Coordinator; Gyla Schnauffer and Jane Virtue, Picnic Coordinators; Doug Blevins and Brad Bradley, Co-Auctioneers.

July 23, 2011 – The 10th Annual Picnic for the Barnstormers is held, for the 9th Anniversary of the organization. Stuart Bloch was the guest speaker. Officers: Suzanne Bruce, President; Christopher Maher, Vice President; Whitney Warrick, Secretary; Roger Warrick, Historian; Edgar Bruce, Treasurer; Mike MacCarter; Webmaster; Bill Vint, Newsletter Editor; Zachary Maher, Membership Coordinator. Committees: Nellie King, Picnic Display and Merchandise Coordinator; Gyla Schnauffer and Jane Virtue, Picnic Coordinators; Doug Blevins and Brad Bradley, Co-Auctioneers.

July 28, 2012 – The 11th Annual Picnic for the Barnstormers is held, for the 10th Anniversary of the organization. Attendance: 93. Bylaws adopted. Watched the documentary, “Zim”. Officers: Eddie Black, President; Christopher Maher, Vice President; Roger Warrick, Secretary/Historian; Rick Campbell, Treasurer; Bill Vint, Executive Director; Doug Blevins, Board Member; Elmer Napier, Board Member; Ed Bruce, Board Member; David Tower, Board Member. Committees: Gyla Schnauffer, Picnic Coordinator.

July 27, 2013 – The 12th Annual Picnic for the Barnstormers is held, for the 11th Anniversary of the organization. Ray Day was the guest speaker. Officers: Eddie Black, President; Christopher Maher, Vice President; Roger Warrick, Secretary/Historian; Rick Campbell, Treasurer; Bill Vint, Executive Director; Doug Blevins, Board Member; Elmer Napier, Board Member; Ryan Eash, Board Member/Webmaster; David Tower, Board Member. Committees: Gyla Schnauffer, Picnic Coordinator.

Spring 2014 – The Barnstormers sponsor the restoration of the sign on the “Dragovich Barn” in Merced, CA (MPB 05-24-01).

July 26, 2014 – The 13th Annual Picnic for the Barnstormers is held, for the 12th Anniversary of the organization. Mail Pouch Christmas Ornament Design contest won by Barb Adkins. Officers: Roger Warrick, President/Historian; Christopher Maher, Vice President; Eddie Black, Secretary; Rick Campbell, Treasurer; Bill Vint, Executive Director; Doug Blevins, Board Member; Judy Humphrey, Board Member; Ryan Eash, Board Member (Webmaster); David Tower, Board Member. Committees: Gyla Schnauffer, Picnic Coordinator.

July 25, 2015 – The 14th Annual Picnic for the Barnstormers is held, for the 13th Anniversary of the organization. Mail Pouch Birdfeeder Design contest won by Doug Stanley. Officers: Roger Warrick, President/Historian; Christopher Maher, Vice President; Eddie Black, Secretary; Rick Campbell, Treasurer; Bill Vint, Executive Director; Doug Blevins, Board Member; Judy Humphrey, Board Member; Ryan Eash, Board Member (Webmaster/Sales/Calendar); Chad Wilkins, Board Member. Committees: Cindy and Jerry Kolosky, Picnic Coordinators.

Summer 2016 – The Barnstormers sponsor the restoration of the sign on Gary Jones‘ barn (MPB 35-67-01) in Portage Co, OH.

August 26-28, 2016 – The Barnstormers sponsor, and take part in, the restoration of the “Barkcamp Barn” (MPB 35-07-07) sign in Belmont, OH, the last barn that Harley Warrick ever repainted.

August 27, 2016 – The 15th Annual Picnic for the Barnstormers is held, for the 14th Anniversary of the organization. Barkcamp Barn painting party afterwards (moved to August due to heat in July). Work was also done on August 26 and 28. Officers: No change from last year.

Spring 2017 – The Barnstormers sponsor the restoration of the “Biehl Barn” (MPB 35-84-12) sign near Marietta, OH.

July 22, 2017 – The 16th Annual Picnic for the Barnstormers is held, for the 15th Anniversary of the organization. Presentation from Norman Zimmerman, son of original barn painter Maurice “Zim” Zimmerman. Mail Pouch Wall Hanging contest won by John Learn. Officers: Roger Warrick, President/Historian; Christopher Maher, Vice President; Eddie Black, Secretary; Rick Campbell, Treasurer; Bill Vint, Executive Director; Kevin Tracy, Board Member; Judy Humphrey, Board Member; Ryan Eash, Board Member (Webmaster/Sales/Calendar); Chad Wilkins, Board Member. Committees: Cindy and Jerry Kolosky, Picnic Coordinators.

July 28, 2018 – The 17th Annual Picnic for the Barnstormers is held, for the 16th Anniversary of the organization. Presentation from Ruston Baker on restoring the Biehl family barn in Moss Run, OH, among other projects. Build a Better Mail Pouch Birdhouse contest won by Phil and Carrie Andraychuk. Officers: Roger Warrick, President/Historian; Kevin Tracy, Vice President; Ryan Eash, Secretary/Webmaster/Sales/Calendar; Rick Campbell, Treasurer; Bill Vint, Executive Director; Maxine Dudley, Board Member; John Learn, Board Member; Manda Testa, Board Member; Chad Wilkins, Board Member. Committees: Cindy and Jerry Kolosky, Picnic Coordinators.

Summer 2019 – The Barnstormers co-sponsor the restoration of the “Ford City Sign” (MPS 38-03-08) in Armstrong County, PA.

July 27, 2019 – The 18th Annual Picnic for the Barnstormers is held, for the 17th Anniversary of the organization. Officers: No change from last year.

August 9, 2019Lonnie Schnauffer, a founder and first president of the Barnstormers organization, passes away at age 67.

December 2019 – Officers: Roger Warrick, President/Historian; Kevin Tracy, Vice President; Ryan Eash, Secretary/Webmaster/Sales/Calendar; Rick Campbell, Treasurer; Bill Vint, Executive Director; Maxine Dudley, Board Member; John Learn, Board Member; Manda Testa, Board Member; John Doemling, Board Member. Committees: Cindy and Jerry Kolosky, Picnic Coordinators.

Summer 2020 – The 18th Anniversary of the organization. No Annual Picnic (19th) is held due to Covid-19. Officers: No change from last year.

Summer 2021 – The 19th Anniversary of the organization. No Annual Picnic (19th) is held once again due to Covid-19. Officers: No change from last year.

Sept. 2021 – The Barnstormers sponsor the restoration of the “Mansfield Barn” (MPB 35-70-02) sign in Mansfield, OH. A “painting party” on Sept. 19 is also held so some Barnstormers could watch Ruston Baker paint the barn, in lieu of the annual picnic.

March 16, 2022 – Executive Director and longtime newsletter creator/editor, Bill Vint, passes away at age 79.

April 2022 – Officers: Roger Warrick, President/Historian; Kevin Tracy, Vice President; Ryan Eash, Secretary/Webmaster/Sales/Calendar; Rick Campbell, Treasurer; Lisa Vint, Membership Coordinator/Finance; David Tower, Website MP Sign Entries; Maxine Dudley, Board Member; John Learn, Board Member; Manda Testa, Board Member; John Doemling, Board Member.

July 30, 2022 – The 19th Annual Picnic for the Barnstormers is held, for the 20th Anniversary of the organization. Officers: No change from April.

July 29, 2023 – The 20th Annual Picnic for the Barnstormers is held, for the 21st Anniversary of the organization. Officers: No change from last year.

July 27, 2024 – The 21st Annual Picnic for the Barnstormers is held, for the 22nd Anniversary of the organization. Officers: Roger Warrick, President/Historian; Kevin Tracy, Vice President; Ryan Eash, Secretary/Webmaster/Sales/Calendar; Rick Campbell, Treasurer; Lisa Vint, Membership Coordinator/Finance; David Tower, Website MP Sign Entries; John Doemling, Board Member; Maxine Dudley, Board Member; Manda Testa, Board Member; Keith Tracy, Board Member. Committees: Amanda Tracy, Karla Tracy and Barb Adkins, Picnic Coordinators.