Other Information
Photo 1 is an enlarged inset view from Photo 2.
The Ohio Dept of Transportation aerial photo archives were used to determine the location of this barn. In Photo 3 the barn is circled in yellow, the new house on the site is circled in red and there is an existing small white barn, to the left of the Mail Pouch barn, in the photo, that is still existing and is circled in blue. These identifying marks are used to coordinate with Photo 4 (Google satellite image). In Photo 4 the location of where the barn was located is noted by the red pin. This pin is centered on the remaining foundation of the barn. The house is circled in red and the small white barn is circled in blue. The red pin waas used to determine the address and coordinates.
Photo 5 at the left in the rear the existing white barn is visible.
Where to find it *GONE* (razed and removed) Along the north side of US-20 west of OH-64 intersection, in Assumption, by 1.8 miles. The barn was on the right side of the highway headed west from Assumption. The Mail Pouch sign faced east. One end. Red Background.