*GONE* (razed and removed) Along the south side of OH-37 west of OH-78 intersection (west of McConnelsville) by 4.1 miles. The barn was on the left side of the highway headed west from OH-78. Mail Pouch signs on the north side of the barn and on the west end of the barn. Black Backgrounds.
Along the north side of OH-266, west of the Water St. intersection, in Stockport, by 1.4 miles. The barn is on the right side of the highway headed west from Stockport. Mail Pouch sign on the west end; and, Mail Pouch sign on the southside. Faded. Black Backgrounds.
Along the southside of OH-60 southeast of 10th St. intersection, in McConnelsville, by 4.5 miles. The building is on the right side of the highway headed east. The Mail Pouch sign faces west. One side. Black Background.
*GONE* (razed and removed - new barn on the site) Along the east side of OH-377 south of the OH-377/OH-266 junction (just southeast fo Pennsville) by 1.3 miles. The barn was on the left side of the highway headed south from Pennsville. The Mail Pouch sign faced north. One end. Black Background.
*GONE* (razed and removed) Along the east side of OH-78 northeast of OH Rt. 60 (Main St.) in McConnelsville, by 0.9 mile. The barn was on the right side of the highway headed north from McConnelsville. The Mail Pouch sign faced north. One end. Original Balck Background.
*GONE* (razed and removed) Along the west side of OH-78 south west of the Noble Co. line by 1.1 miles. The barn was on the right side of the highway headed south from the Morgan Co./Noble Co. line. Two ends. One side. Black Background.
*GONE* (fallen and removed) Along the south side of OH-78 west of the OH-555 intersection, in Ringgold, by 0.6 mile. The barn was on the left side of the highway headed west from Ringgold. There was a Mail Pouch sign on each end of the barn. Black Backgrounds.
*GONE* (razed and removed) Along the southeast side of OH-60 south of OH-376 intersection, in Gaysport, by 4.6 miles. The barn was on the left side of the highway headed south from Gaysport. The Mail Pouch sign faced north. One end. Black Background.
*GONE* (fallen) Along the west side of OH-377 south of OH-78 by 5.0 miles. The barn was on the right side of the highway headed south. It was just past the intersection with TR-142 (Williams Penn Rd.). The Mail Pouch sign faced north. One end. Original Black Background.
OH Rt. 377 south of Malta Hill Rd. (south of McConnelsville) by about 0.2 mile. The barn is on the left side of the highway headed southwest. The MP sign faces west. One end. Black. Greatly faded.
Along the east side of OH-377 north of Mill St. intersection, in Chesterhill, by 1.3 miles. The barn is on the right side of the highway headed north. The Mail Pouch sign faces northwest. One side. Black Background. In wooded area.
*GONE* (razed and removed) Along the west side of OH-78 north of Harper Rd (TR-950), in Reinersville, by 0.4 mile. The barn was on the left side of the highway headed north. The Mail Pouch sign faced south. One end. Black Background.
*GONE* (faded away) Along the south side of OH-37 west of OH-78 intersection (just west of McConnelsville), by 3.8 miles. The barn is on the left side of the highway headed west from McConelsville. The Mail Pouch sign faced east. One side (possibly 2). Black Background.
*GONE* (razed and removed by 1972) Along the east side of OH-60 north of the intersection with OH-78 (7th St), in McConnelsville, by 4.7 miles. The barn ws on the right side of the highway headed north from McConnelsville. There ws a Mail Pouch sign on the northwest end and a Mail Pouch sign on the southwest side. Black Background.
*GONE& *(razed and removed) Along the southeast side of OH-377 south of OH-78 intersection (west of McConnelsville), by 5.3 miles. The barn was on the left side of the highway headed south from OH-78. The Mail Pouch sign faced south. One end. Black Background.
*GONE* (razed and removed) Along the north side of OH-78 northeast of the Main St. (OH-60) intersection, in McConnelsville, by 4.6 miles. The barn was on the left side of the highway headed northeast. The Mail Pouch sign faced east. One end. Black Background.
*GONE* (painted over) Along the northwest side of OH-78 north of the Main St. (OH-60) intersection, in McConnelsville by 2.2 miles. The barn is on the left side of the highway headed northeast. The Mail Pouch sign faced south. One end. Black Background. This barn is now the Ohio Bicentennial Barn for Morgan County.
*GONE* (razed and removed) Along the southeast side of 4th St. northeast of the intersection with Main St., in Malta, by 200'. The Barn was on the right side of the street headed northeast from Main St. The Mail Pouch sign faced southeast. One side. Unique sig. Black Background.
*GONE* (razed and removed) Along the east side of US-42 (Gilead St.) south of the High St. intersection (OH-95), in Mt. Gilead by 1.3 miles. The barn was on the left side of the highway headed south from Mt. Gilead. The Mail Pouch sign faced south. One end. Black Background.
Along the west side of US-42 southwest of OH-529 (Marion St.) intersection, in Cardinton, by 4.0 miles. The barn is on the right side of the highway headed southwest from Cardinton. The Mail Pouch sign faces southwest and is very difficult to see due to the trees. One end, Black Background.