Owner-Painted/Tribute Barn 15


Photo 1 by unknown.

Photo 2 by Dave Tower (Sept. 1997).

Photo 3 by unknown (Oct. 6, 2001).

Photo 4 Bing Map's Bird's eye view.

Photos 5 & 6 by Martha Dougherty (June 2014).
Where to find it

Lake Co, OH
OH Rt. 528 (S. Madison Rd.) south from OH Rt. 307 by about 2.1 miles to Ford Rd (Co. Hwy. 6). Make right onto Ford Rd. and travel west about 1.0 mile. The barn is on the left side of the road headed west. The MP sign faces north. One end. Red.
GPS Coordinates: N 41° 43.33' W -81° 04.16'