Other Information
Photo 1 is an enlarged inset view from Photo 2.
The Penn Pilot program was used to determine where this Mail Pouch barn once stood. The barn is Highlighted in yellow in photo 3.
The house across PA-18 circled in red in Photo 3 is also circled in red in Photo 4. In Photo 4 (Google satellite image) the red pin marks the location where the Mail Pouch barn was located. This pin was used to determine the address and the coordinates.
Where to find it *GONE* (razed and removed) Along the west side of Frankfort Rd. (PA-18) north of Shippingport Rd./Green Garden Rd. intersection by about 1.5 miles. The barn was on the left side of the road headed north. The Mail Pouch sign faced east. One side. Black background.